FIFA ranking calculator

FIFA football matches

Match date Home team Score Away Team Weight FIFA match type Tournament
Sep 22, 2022   Latvia (LVA)
1-2   Moldova (MDA)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) UEFA Nations League - League D
Sep 23, 2022   Liechtenstein (LIE)
0-2   Andorra (AND)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) UEFA Nations League - League D
Sep 23, 2022   Estonia (EST)
2-1   Malta (MLT)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) UEFA Nations League - League D
Sep 25, 2022   Andorra (AND)
1-1   Latvia (LVA)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) UEFA Nations League - League D
Sep 25, 2022   Moldova (MDA)
2-0   Liechtenstein (LIE)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) UEFA Nations League - League D
Sep 27, 2022   San Marino (SMR)
0-4   Estonia (EST)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) UEFA Nations League - League D
Sep 06, 2024   San Marino (SMR)
1-0   Liechtenstein (LIE)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) UEFA Nations League - League D
Sep 07, 2024   Moldova (MDA)
2-0   Malta (MLT)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) UEFA Nations League - League D
Sep 08, 2024   Gibraltar (GIB)
2-2   Liechtenstein (LIE)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) UEFA Nations League - League D
Sep 11, 2024   Andorra (AND)
0-1   Malta (MLT)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) UEFA Nations League - League D
Oct 11, 2024   Gibraltar (GIB)
  San Marino (SMR)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) UEFA Nations League - League D
Oct 11, 2024   Moldova (MDA)
  Andorra (AND)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) UEFA Nations League - League D
Oct 13, 2024   Liechtenstein (LIE)
  Gibraltar (GIB)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) UEFA Nations League - League D
Oct 13, 2024   Malta (MLT)
  Moldova (MDA)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) UEFA Nations League - League D
Nov 16, 2024   San Marino (SMR)
  Gibraltar (GIB)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) UEFA Nations League - League D
Nov 17, 2024   Andorra (AND)
  Moldova (MDA)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) UEFA Nations League - League D
Nov 19, 2024   Liechtenstein (LIE)
  San Marino (SMR)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) UEFA Nations League - League D
Nov 20, 2024   Malta (MLT)
  Andorra (AND)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) UEFA Nations League - League D

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