FIFA ranking calculator

FIFA football matches

Match date Home team Score Away Team Weight FIFA match type Tournament
Oct 10, 2024   Bahamas (BAH)
  United States Virgin Islands (VIR)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) CONCACAF Nations League - League C
Oct 10, 2024   Cayman Islands (CAY)
  British Virgin Islands (VGB)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) CONCACAF Nations League - League C
Oct 10, 2024   Turks and Caicos Islands (TCA)
  Anguilla (AIA)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) CONCACAF Nations League - League C
Oct 13, 2024   Anguilla (AIA)
  Belize (BLZ)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) CONCACAF Nations League - League C
Oct 13, 2024   British Virgin Islands (VGB)
  Saint Kitts and Nevis (SKN)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) CONCACAF Nations League - League C
Oct 13, 2024   United States Virgin Islands (VIR)
  Barbados (BRB)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) CONCACAF Nations League - League C
Oct 16, 2024   Belize (BLZ)
  Turks and Caicos Islands (TCA)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) CONCACAF Nations League - League C
Oct 16, 2024   Barbados (BRB)
  Bahamas (BAH)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) CONCACAF Nations League - League C
Oct 16, 2024   Saint Kitts and Nevis (SKN)
  Cayman Islands (CAY)
15 Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15) CONCACAF Nations League - League C

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