FIFA ranking calculator

FIFA football matches

Match date Home team Score Away Team Weight FIFA match type Tournament
Jun 25, 2023   USA (USA)
1-1   Jamaica (JAM)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Gold Cup
Jun 26, 2023   Trinidad & Tobago (TRI)
3-0   Saint Kitts and Nevis (SKN)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Gold Cup
Jun 26, 2023   Haiti (HAI)
2-1   Qatar (QAT)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Gold Cup
Jun 26, 2023   Mexico (MEX)
4-0   Honduras (HON)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Gold Cup
Jun 27, 2023   El Salvador (SLV)
1-2   Martinique (MTQ)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Gold Cup
Jun 27, 2023   Costa Rica (CRC)
1-2   Panama (PAN)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Gold Cup
Jun 28, 2023   Canada (CAN)
2-2   Guadeloupe (GLP)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Gold Cup
Jun 28, 2023   Guatemala (GUA)
1-0   Cuba (CUB)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Gold Cup
Jun 29, 2023   Jamaica (JAM)
4-1   Trinidad & Tobago (TRI)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Gold Cup
Jun 29, 2023   Saint Kitts and Nevis (SKN)
0-6   USA (USA)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Gold Cup
Jun 30, 2023   Qatar (QAT)
1-1   Honduras (HON)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Gold Cup
Jun 30, 2023   Haiti (HAI)
1-3   Mexico (MEX)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Gold Cup
Jul 01, 2023   Martinique (MTQ)
1-2   Panama (PAN)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Gold Cup
Jul 01, 2023   El Salvador (SLV)
0-0   Costa Rica (CRC)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Gold Cup
Jul 02, 2023   Cuba (CUB)
1-4   Guadeloupe (GLP)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Gold Cup
Jul 02, 2023   Guatemala (GUA)
0-0   Canada (CAN)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Gold Cup
Jul 03, 2023   Jamaica (JAM)
5-0   Saint Kitts and Nevis (SKN)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Gold Cup
Jul 03, 2023   USA (USA)
6-0   Trinidad & Tobago (TRI)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Gold Cup
Jul 03, 2023   Honduras (HON)
2-1   Haiti (HAI)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Gold Cup
Jul 03, 2023   Mexico (MEX)
0-1   Qatar (QAT)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Gold Cup
Jul 05, 2023   Canada (CAN)
4-2   Cuba (CUB)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Gold Cup
Jul 05, 2023   Guadeloupe (GLP)
2-3   Guatemala (GUA)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Gold Cup
Jul 05, 2023   Costa Rica (CRC)
6-4   Martinique (MTQ)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Gold Cup
Jul 05, 2023   Panama (PAN)
2-2   El Salvador (SLV)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Gold Cup

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