FIFA ranking calculator

FIFA football matches

Match date Home team Score Away Team Weight FIFA match type Tournament
Jan 09, 2022   Cameroon (CMR)
2-1   Burkina Faso (BFA)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 10, 2022   Ethiopia (ETH)
0-1   Cape Verde (CPV)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 10, 2022   Senegal (SEN)
1-0   Zimbabwe (ZIM)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 10, 2022   Morocco (MAR)
1-0   Ghana (GHA)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 10, 2022   Guinea (GUI)
1-0   Malawi (MWI)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 11, 2022   Comoros (COM)
0-1   Gabon (GAB)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 11, 2022   Algeria (ALG)
0-0   Sierra Leone (SLE)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 11, 2022   Nigeria (NGA)
1-0   Egypt (EGY)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 12, 2022   Sudan (SDN)
0-0   Guinea Bissau (GNB)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 12, 2022   Tunisia (TUN)
0-1   Mali (MLI)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 12, 2022   Mauritania (MTN)
0-1   Gambia (GAM)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 13, 2022   Equatorial Guinea (EQG)
0-1   Ivory Coast (CIV)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 13, 2022   Cameroon (CMR)
4-1   Ethiopia (ETH)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 14, 2022   Cape Verde (CPV)
0-1   Burkina Faso (BFA)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 14, 2022   Senegal (SEN)
0-0   Guinea (GUI)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 14, 2022   Morocco (MAR)
2-0   Comoros (COM)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 14, 2022   Malawi (MWI)
2-1   Zimbabwe (ZIM)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 15, 2022   Gabon (GAB)
1-1   Ghana (GHA)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 15, 2022   Nigeria (NGA)
3-1   Sudan (SDN)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 16, 2022   Guinea Bissau (GNB)
0-1   Egypt (EGY)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 16, 2022   Gambia (GAM)
1-1   Mali (MLI)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 16, 2022   Ivory Coast (CIV)
2-2   Sierra Leone (SLE)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 16, 2022   Tunisia (TUN)
4-0   Mauritania (MTN)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 17, 2022   Algeria (ALG)
0-1   Equatorial Guinea (EQG)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 17, 2022   Burkina Faso (BFA)
1-1   Ethiopia (ETH)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 17, 2022   Cape Verde (CPV)
1-1   Cameroon (CMR)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 18, 2022   Malawi (MWI)
0-0   Senegal (SEN)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 18, 2022   Zimbabwe (ZIM)
2-1   Guinea (GUI)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 19, 2022   Gabon (GAB)
2-2   Morocco (MAR)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 19, 2022   Ghana (GHA)
2-3   Comoros (COM)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 20, 2022   Egypt (EGY)
1-0   Sudan (SDN)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 20, 2022   Guinea Bissau (GNB)
0-2   Nigeria (NGA)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 20, 2022   Ivory Coast (CIV)
3-1   Algeria (ALG)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 20, 2022   Sierra Leone (SLE)
0-1   Equatorial Guinea (EQG)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 21, 2022   Gambia (GAM)
1-0   Tunisia (TUN)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 21, 2022   Mali (MLI)
2-0   Mauritania (MTN)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 14, 2024   Ivory Coast (CIV)
2-0   Guinea Bissau (GNB)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 14, 2024   Nigeria (NGA)
1-1   Equatorial Guinea (EQG)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 15, 2024   Egypt (EGY)
2-2   Mozambique (MOZ)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 15, 2024   Ghana (GHA)
1-2   Cape Verde (CPV)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 15, 2024   Senegal (SEN)
3-0   Gambia (GAM)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 16, 2024   Cameroon (CMR)
1-1   Guinea (GUI)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 16, 2024   Algeria (ALG)
1-1   Angola (ANG)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 16, 2024   Burkina Faso (BFA)
1-0   Mauritania (MTN)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 17, 2024   Tunisia (TUN)
0-1   Namibia (NAM)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 17, 2024   Mali (MLI)
2-0   South Africa (RSA)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 18, 2024   Morocco (MAR)
3-0   Tanzania (TAN)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 18, 2024   D.R. Congo (COD)
1-1   Zambia (ZAM)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 18, 2024   Equatorial Guinea (EQG)
4-2   Guinea Bissau (GNB)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 19, 2024   Ivory Coast (CIV)
0-1   Nigeria (NGA)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 19, 2024   Egypt (EGY)
2-2   Ghana (GHA)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 19, 2024   Cape Verde (CPV)
3-0   Mozambique (MOZ)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 20, 2024   Senegal (SEN)
3-1   Cameroon (CMR)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 20, 2024   Guinea (GUI)
1-0   Gambia (GAM)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 20, 2024   Algeria (ALG)
2-2   Burkina Faso (BFA)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 21, 2024   Mauritania (MTN)
2-3   Angola (ANG)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 21, 2024   Tunisia (TUN)
1-1   Mali (MLI)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 21, 2024   Morocco (MAR)
1-1   D.R. Congo (COD)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 22, 2024   Zambia (ZAM)
1-1   Tanzania (TAN)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 22, 2024   South Africa (RSA)
4-0   Namibia (NAM)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 23, 2024   Guinea Bissau (GNB)
0-1   Nigeria (NGA)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 23, 2024   Equatorial Guinea (EQG)
4-0   Ivory Coast (CIV)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 23, 2024   Cape Verde (CPV)
2-2   Egypt (EGY)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 23, 2024   Mozambique (MOZ)
2-2   Ghana (GHA)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 24, 2024   Gambia (GAM)
2-3   Cameroon (CMR)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 24, 2024   Guinea (GUI)
0-2   Senegal (SEN)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 24, 2024   Angola (ANG)
2-0   Burkina Faso (BFA)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 24, 2024   Mauritania (MTN)
1-0   Algeria (ALG)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 25, 2024   Namibia (NAM)
0-0   Mali (MLI)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 25, 2024   South Africa (RSA)
0-0   Tunisia (TUN)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 25, 2024   Tanzania (TAN)
0-0   D.R. Congo (COD)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations
Jan 25, 2024   Zambia (ZAM)
0-1   Morocco (MAR)
35 Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=35) Africa Cup of Nations

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