FIFA national team rankings
Rank ↑↓ |
Team | Current Point | Prev. Point | Prev. Rank |
51 | Mali (MLI) | 1,466.10 | 1,466 | 51 |
52 | Tunisia (TUN) | 1,464.42 | 1,464 | 52 |
53 | Paraguay (PAR) | 1,458.26 | 1,458 | 53 |
54 | Costa Rica (CRC) | 1,454.99 | 1,455 | 54 |
55 | Slovenia (SVN) | 1,454.25 | 1,454 | 55 |
56 | Iraq (IRQ) | 1,442.86 | 1,443 | 56 |
57 | South Africa (RSA) | 1,428.87 | 1,429 | 57 |
58 | Uzbekistan (UZB) | 1,424.93 | 1,425 | 58 |
59 | Saudi Arabia (KSA) | 1,406.56 | 1,407 | 59 |
60 | Republic of Ireland (IRL) | 1,400.22 | 1,400 | 60 |
61 | Congo DR (COD) | 1,395.77 | 1,396 | 61 |
62 | Jamaica (JAM) | 1,390.85 | 1,391 | 62 |
63 | United Arab Emirates (UAE) | 1,385.57 | 1,386 | 63 |
64 | Jordan (JOR) | 1,375.91 | 1,376 | 64 |
65 | Albania (ALB) | 1,375.57 | 1,376 | 65 |
66 | Burkina Faso (BFA) | 1,374.19 (+0.43) | 1,374 | 66 |
67 | North Macedonia (MKD) | 1,368.96 | 1,369 | 67 |
68 | Georgia (GEO) | 1,362.21 | 1,362 | 68 |
69 | Finland (FIN) | 1,361.53 | 1,362 | 69 |
70 | Iceland (ISL) | 1,355.10 | 1,355 | 70 |
71 | Northern Ireland (NIR) | 1,349.58 | 1,350 | 71 |
72 | Cabo Verde (CPV) | 1,328.51 | 1,329 | 72 |
73 | Montenegro (MNE) | 1,326.76 | 1,327 | 73 |
74 | Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) | 1,326.69 | 1,327 | 74 |
75 | Honduras (HON) | 1,325.93 | 1,326 | 75 |
76 | Israel (ISR) | 1,322.25 | 1,322 | 76 |
77 | Ghana (GHA) | 1,322.24 (+1.72) | 1,321 | 77 |
78 | Guinea (GUI) | 1,310.15 (-1.73) | 1,312 | 78 |
79 | Bolivia (BOL) | 1,308.58 | 1,309 | 79 |
80 | Oman (OMA) | 1,307.91 (+1.24) | 1,307 | 80 |
81 | Bahrain (BHR) | 1,305.52 | 1,306 | 81 |
82 | Bulgaria (BUL) | 1,301.04 | 1,301 | 82 |
83 | El Salvador (SLV) | 1,300.81 | 1,301 | 83 |
84 | Gabon (GAB) | 1,297.87 | 1,298 | 84 |
85 | Angola (ANG) | 1,296.48 | 1,296 | 85 |
86 | Haiti (HAI) | 1,287.75 | 1,288 | 86 |
87 | Zambia (ZAM) | 1,279.24 | 1,279 | 87 |
88 | Uganda (UGA) | 1,270.42 | 1,270 | 88 |
89 | Aotearoa New Zealand (NZL) | 1,269.83 | 1,270 | 89 |
90 | China PR (CHN) | 1,266.38 | 1,266 | 90 |
91 | Curaçao (CUW) | 1,264.78 | 1,265 | 91 |
92 | Luxembourg (LUX) | 1,256.42 | 1,256 | 92 |
93 | Equatorial Guinea (EQG) | 1,256.20 | 1,256 | 93 |
94 | Benin (BEN) | 1,250.99 | 1,251 | 94 |
95 | Syria (SYR) | 1,249.47 | 1,249 | 95 |
96 | Mozambique (MOZ) | 1,232.70 | 1,233 | 96 |
97 | Thailand (THA) | 1,232.67 (+4.43) | 1,228 | 97 |
98 | Belarus (BLR) | 1,226.31 | 1,226 | 98 |
99 | Kosovo (KOS) | 1,219.82 | 1,220 | 99 |
100 | Armenia (ARM) | 1,219.15 | 1,219 | 100 |
Latest matches Last update: Jan 06, 2025 2:58 GMT +7 |
Home team | Score | Away team |