FIFA ranking calculator
FIFA men's ranking procedure is based on:
- Points before the match
- Importance of match (I). It depends on the tournament.
- Result of the match
Importance of match: I = 25, Qualification matches for Confederations final competitions and for FIFA World Cup final competitions (I=25)
Tournament: World Championship - Qualification - Third stage
Iran: beforeP = 1,635.31
Uzbekistan: beforeP = 1,424.70
Iran | Uzbekistan | |
Iran wins Uzbekistan | +7.71 (1643.02) | -7.71 (1416.99) |
Iran wins (penalty) Uzbekistan | +1.46 (1636.77) | 4.79 (1429.49) |
Iran draws Uzbekistan | -4.79 (1630.52) | +4.79 (1429.49) |
Iran loses (penalty) Uzbekistan | -4.79 (1630.52) | +11.04 (1435.74) |
Iran loses Uzbekistan | -17.29 (1618.02) | +17.29 (1441.99) |