FIFA ranking calculator
FIFA men's ranking procedure is based on:
- Points before the match
- Importance of match (I). It depends on the tournament.
- Result of the match
Importance of match: I = 25, Qualification matches for Confederations final competitions and for FIFA World Cup final competitions (I=25)
Tournament: World Championship - Qualification - First stage
Eswatini: beforeP = 1,016.64
Cameroon: beforeP = 1,468.44
Eswatini | Cameroon | |
Eswatini wins Cameroon | +21.25 (1037.89) | -21.25 (1447.19) |
Eswatini wins (penalty) Cameroon | +15 (1031.64) | -8.75 (1459.69) |
Eswatini draws Cameroon | +8.75 (1025.39) | -8.75 (1459.69) |
Eswatini loses (penalty) Cameroon | +8.75 (1025.39) | -2.5 (1465.94) |
Eswatini loses Cameroon | -3.75 (1012.89) | +3.75 (1472.19) |