FIFA ranking calculator
FIFA men's ranking procedure is based on:
- Points before the match
- Importance of match (I). It depends on the tournament.
- Result of the match
Importance of match: I = 25, Qualification matches for Confederations final competitions and for FIFA World Cup final competitions (I=25)
Tournament: World Championship - Qualification - First stage
Rwanda: beforeP = 1,134.58
Nigeria: beforeP = 1,483.23
Rwanda | Nigeria | |
Rwanda wins Nigeria | +19.8 (1154.38) | -19.8 (1463.43) |
Rwanda wins (penalty) Nigeria | +13.55 (1148.13) | -7.3 (1475.93) |
Rwanda draws Nigeria | +7.3 (1141.88) | -7.3 (1475.93) |
Rwanda loses (penalty) Nigeria | +7.3 (1141.88) | -1.05 (1482.18) |
Rwanda loses Nigeria | -5.2 (1129.38) | +5.2 (1488.43) |