FIFA ranking calculator

FIFA ranking calculator

 FIFA men's ranking procedure is based on:

  • Points before the match
  • Importance of match (I). It depends on the tournament.
  • Result of the match

Calculate/simulate a scheduled match

Importance of match: I = 10, Friendly matches played during International Match Calendar windows (I=10)
Tournament: Friendly International
 Hong Kong: beforeP = 1,017.66
 Cambodia: beforeP = 919.70

 Hong Kong   Cambodia
 Hong Kong wins   Cambodia +4.07 (1021.73) -4.07 (915.63)
 Hong Kong wins (penalty)   Cambodia +1.57 (1019.23) 0.93 (920.63)
 Hong Kong draws   Cambodia -0.93 (1016.73) +0.93 (920.63)
 Hong Kong loses (penalty)   Cambodia -0.93 (1016.73) +3.43 (923.13)
 Hong Kong loses   Cambodia -5.93 (1011.73) +5.93 (925.63)