FIFA ranking calculator

FIFA ranking calculator

 FIFA men's ranking procedure is based on:

  • Points before the match
  • Importance of match (I). It depends on the tournament.
  • Result of the match

Calculate/simulate a scheduled match

Importance of match: I = 15, Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15)
Tournament: CONCACAF Nations League - League C
 Saint Kitts and Nevis: beforeP = 1,068.25
VGB British Virgin Islands: beforeP = 790.64

 Saint Kitts and Nevis VGB  British Virgin Islands
 Saint Kitts and Nevis wins VGB  British Virgin Islands +3.84 (1072.09) -3.85 (786.79)
 Saint Kitts and Nevis wins (penalty) VGB  British Virgin Islands +0.09 (1068.34) 3.65 (794.29)
 Saint Kitts and Nevis draws VGB  British Virgin Islands -3.66 (1064.59) +3.65 (794.29)
 Saint Kitts and Nevis loses (penalty) VGB  British Virgin Islands -3.66 (1064.59) +7.4 (798.04)
 Saint Kitts and Nevis loses VGB  British Virgin Islands -11.16 (1057.09) +11.15 (801.79)