FIFA ranking calculator

FIFA ranking calculator

 FIFA men's ranking procedure is based on:

  • Points before the match
  • Importance of match (I). It depends on the tournament.
  • Result of the match

Calculate/simulate a scheduled match

Importance of match: I = 15, Group phase matches of Nations League competitions (I=15)
Tournament: CONCACAF Nations League - League C
 Bahamas: beforeP = 817.25
 Barbados: beforeP = 944.11

 Bahamas   Barbados
 Bahamas wins   Barbados +9.29 (826.54) -9.29 (934.82)
 Bahamas wins (penalty)   Barbados +5.54 (822.79) -1.79 (942.32)
 Bahamas draws   Barbados +1.79 (819.04) -1.79 (942.32)
 Bahamas loses (penalty)   Barbados +1.79 (819.04) 1.96 (946.07)
 Bahamas loses   Barbados -5.71 (811.54) +5.71 (949.82)